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Benefits of Having a Chicken Coop at Home

The Benefits of Having a Chicken Coop at Home

Growing chickens in the backyard is fast becoming a popular pastime and hobby of many people nowadays. Why, you ask? Read the following benefits of having a chicken coop at home and be amazed. Who knows, you may suddenly want to raise your own chickens in a while.

When you have a chicken coop in your backyard, you have your own supply of eggs. Now you don't have to go to the supermarket and buy eggs, since you can just pick them out of the chicken coop. Moreover, you have the ability to raise organic eggs, one that is free from any chemicals that may infect other eggs due to chemically processed feeds.

In general, you can get more or less 300 eggs a year with one chicken, so one or two chickens can make sure that you have eggs for everyday of the year. Also, you can avoid having to buy old stock eggs from supermarkets and groceries. How sure are you that the dozen eggs you are buying in the grocery are fresh? With a chicken coop in your backyard, you are assured of fresh chicken eggs every day.

Being able to have chicken for lunch and dinner is another great benefit. Of course you know that your chickens are healthier, since many chickens grown in factories and farms are often bombarded with different chemicals infused in their feeds and water in order to make them bigger and heavier faster in order for the farmer to make more money. By raising your own chicken in your backyard, you can eat healthier chicken anytime you want to.

Also, taking care of chicken is a good way of teaching your kids about the importance of growing food. Many children nowadays really don't know much about how the food gets to their plates from the farm. When you engage them in taking care of chickens, they will learn how difficult it is to raise food. Thus, they will learn that wasting food is not good. They will become responsible eaters as well as responsible children as they care of animals, much like how they care of their pets.

You can also use your chickens and eggs to barter with your neighbours. Or you can also sell them in the roadside, depending on the state laws and regulations. So aside from saving money, you can actually make money.

Furthermore, chickens are known to eat leftovers and vegetable and fruits scrapings like tomato scraps or vegetable cores or corns. So you are reducing your waste, or better yet, using them to create new food for you.

Also, it is nice to watch chickens in their coops. It can be fun sometimes to watch them scrape the ground and look for worms (the scraping is also good as it aerates the ground and increases decomposition making it healthier). Or better yet, you can get small bugs and throw it in the middle of them, and watch the hustle and bustle.

The best benefit is that you learn how to be self-sustaining. Of course, you will still have to spend a little in constructing my chicken coop and buying the chickens, but as soon as you get your own mini poultry farm running, you'll be able to save a lot of money and live a self-sustaining life.
Benefits of Having a Chicken Coop at Home

Benefits of Having a Chicken Coop at Home


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