Casa Monarca – Brand Strategy

Casa Monarca is a social project with the goal of bringing people closer to the association, which focuses on providing assistance to immigrants' urgent needs who are found in Monterrey, Mexico. The project's main objective was to establish Casa Monarca to be self-sufficient by developing a replicable resource collection strategy. The primary research was carried out via interviews and surveys applied to immigrants and volunteers. Furthermore, the brand's archetype, voice and personality were adequately defined. Moreover, a communication strategy was created by implementing illustrations framed within a footprint as an analogy to the saying "Put yourself in other people's shoes." The latter represents the value of empathy and the journey made by people during difficult times. Additionally to such strategy, branded products (socks, pins and tote bags), a digital platform and a BTL activation (10k run event) were created. 

Ma. Begoña Fuentes (Editorial Design, Iconography and Photography)
Mariela Gómez (Editorial Design, Web Design, Iconography and Photography)
Yotzelinne Martínez (Branding, Web Design, Illustrations and Photography)

Casa Monarca – Brand Strategy

Casa Monarca – Brand Strategy

Social project with the purpose of bringing people to Casa Monarca, –organization focused on helping immigrants– through empathy & design.
