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New Testament of Real News - Book II

New Testament of Fake News
In the year 2020, in a world where technology and science have evolved greatly, the pandemic of covid-19 virus has come to remind us how vulnerable we are still to nature. In such critical times, history has shown that people are lowering their defenses against fake news by looking for quick answers to their problem. In this environment, the idea was born that urges me to deal with the so-called “Fake News”, and consequently with urban legends. 
“A story has the potential to live and spread more than any other living organism.” (Ferris Jabr). On the occasion of this proposal, the subject of my dissertation focuses on fake news and urban legends and the way in which their narration is disseminated through the combination of oral speech - written - and mainly digital. For the creative support of this research, two books were constructed, seemingly shaped according to the standards of one of the most widespread and long-lasting stories, that of Christian Religion. In them, the religious narrative of yesterday is transformed into the books of today’s fast and believable news. The visual creation of printed books is a mixture of real and imaginary events, typography and images of modern reality. The construction of short-lived digital videos and the Instagram account were done in parallel to support visual content. It is done today, it concerns the relationship between the old and the new and it is addressed to everyone, maybe a little more to lovers of conspiracy stories.Contractual starting points for the history of the book, the Digital Revolution, which ushered in a new era of world communication, pushing the spread of information faster, easier and more widely.  
 More specifically, at the practical level, the first book structured selectively according to some basic elements of the Old Testament, includes older false news, formed over time in urban legends and with the advent of the digital revolution spread around the world, but eventually lost their credibility. But they spoke propheticly about the coming of the younger. The second book is a New Testament of the younger ones, with false news of the shocking, by now at least, year 2020, proving that the false news will never be lost and new conspiracies will always spring up to attract the interest of the faithful.

New Testament of Real News - Book II

New Testament of Real News - Book II
