2020 Product Design - G16 Gourd Chair
_Chay Wen Chang

G16 is made by gourds which have been processed. 
Using the feature of gourd’s shape to stick them together. 
16 gourds represent blessing, hoping more children are born and good relationship in Chinese family.

It is common to see gourd decorations in Chinese house. Gourd represents happiness and have a lot of offspring. There are not many artists using natural gourds to create. I want to make this unique and positive material a furniture that people would feel interesting when they are using it. 
Process of Making 1.0

There are many kinds of gourds. I choose isosceles gourds to design. Due to its shape, I found a arrangement to set gourds. That is put gourds in horizontal and vertical way, so they could form a circle. This circle could be a surface for people to sit.   
Nature Resource

Drying gourds is important part because Taiwan's weather is usually wet and moist. To endure those kinds of weather, I need to process fresh gourds. I cooperate with a teacher who is teaching gourd art for years in Tainan, learning how to gourd planting and processing. 

This is the first version of the design.
1. I found that gourd is too fragile because it is hollow inside. 
2. Even 12 gourds could not bear a 65 kg weight man. 
3. The length of strip steel has to be as long as the whole circle surface.
4. Wooden chair legs' structure is unstable when a person sitting on it. 
G16 Gourd Chair

G16 Gourd Chair
