9 inches by 12 inches, acrylic and colored pencil on paper mounted to hardboard.

I did this piece last year and recently revisited it for some minor tuneups. I decided not to extensively repaint it like some of the others I’ve been working on, because I was relatively pleased with it already. This is the first painting that started to really come together as I was figuring out how my own creative style should look. I had been trying to force a more realistic fantasy style that I like to look at, but it turns out that I don’t enjoy painting that way! What works for me is a lot more whimsical and less realistic.

If you would like to get a closer look at the process and support my work so that I can continue making work like this, please consider joining me on Patreon for as little as $2/month.  https://www.patreon.com/marcibrinker

