Laura Skocek's profile

reconfigure(d) - object 1

reconfigure(d) - object 1
kinetic object
Kinetic Object, 100x200x40cm
Sculpture made of spring steel wire and knitted wire, hidden
Nitinol-mechanism, Raschendorfer Shift Shield, Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino-microcontroller
The sculpture “reconfigure(d) - object 1” is part of a series of kinetic objects
dealing with human sleep and the translation of brain activity measurements into
rhythms. The measurements were taken before falling asleep, recorded was the
cognitive activity taking place during that time.
The rhythm of the object, basis for the patterns of movement, can be modified,
reconfiguring its corpus and changing its texture.
The title reconfigure(d) refers to the process of remembering and learning and that
we never reproduce a thought or pattern of thought the same way.
Junge Kunst Parcours / Palais Kabelwerk, Vienna / June 2013
New Future at Museo di Palazzo Poggi / Bologna, Italy / Jan-Feb 2013
reconfigure(d) - object 1

reconfigure(d) - object 1

kinetic sculpture


Creative Fields