Kelly Jacobi's profile

Composing in Four Acts

Cover Design: Kelly Jacobi
Interior Design: Ellie Moore & Kelly Jacobi
Typesetting: Kelly Jacobi

Composing in Four Acts is a collection of readings combined and organized in a way to help encourage student writers to gain perspective about their own writing habits and techniques, learn, and improve their writing skills. This book underwent many working titles and required several iterations of design ideas, comps, and title revision before arriving at the final title and cover design.
This was a departure for me. Due to the nature of this reader, I was able to break away from doing a strict one-to-one interpretation of a theme or idea. I loved being able to get a bit heady with the cover!
All content Copyright © the respective author(s).
Painting on cover from Shutterstock.
Composing in Four Acts


Composing in Four Acts
