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Coyote & the Fawns 2.0

NOTE: For the month of August 2020 I will be having my first gallery show, titled LORE, at Witchlab in downtown Columbus, OH. My show will feature 8 pieces that consist of laser engraved pine or red oak that has been hand-leafed in either copper, silver, and/or gold. While all of these pieces are currently for sale as-is, they can also be ordered and slightly customized via my contact page.


Coyote & the Fawns

An original piece based on an Apache legend of Coyote. In the legend, Coyote is enamored by the spots on Doe's fawns and asks her how he can put the lovely spots on his children. She tells him to put his children in a cave with fire and that when the sparks hit them, it will leave the spots. Coyote does as he is told but his children are, unfortunately, killed in the process due to the doe's malicious advice.

You may recognize this piece from a few years back when I originally drew it up!

This piece is 24x7.5 inches on stained red oak with gold and silver leaf.
Coyote & the Fawns 2.0

Coyote & the Fawns 2.0
