David Gordon's profile

DOCUMENTING TIME #oneperday2020

week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | images 1 - 5
budding | emerging | stretching | expanding | exploding
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | image 1 | budding

title | budding
technique | graphite pencil (HB, 2B, 6B) on 220 gsm drawing paper
process | as outlined on title page
time limit | one hour maximum
reflection | I'm very happy with the final result
This image was the first to be completed in the series.  It was challenging to present the buds emerging from the flower sheath.  I love the striations that infer a sense of texture & provide a dynamic visual aesthetic.  I would like to improve my light & shade in future images
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | image 2 | emerging

title | emerging
technique | graphite pencil (HB, 2B, 6B) on 220 gsm drawing paper
process | as outlined on title page
time limit | one hour maximum
reflection | a slightly easier sketch to perform as it is mainly flower buds emerging from the flower sheath.  There is a lovely sense of envelopment juxtaposed on the vibrant, bursting emergence process that just cannot be contained any longer
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | image 3 | stretching

title | stretching
technique | graphite pencil (HB, 2B, 6B) on 220 gsm drawing paper
process | as outlined on title page
time limit | one hour maximum
reflection | a great result achieved
Once again there are now virtually only flower buds to draw with tiny vestiges of the flower sheath crowning the apex of the image in wispy tendrils.  The flower buds are rendered deep with chroma & they are heaving & sighing in their new found freedom.  The balanced contrast presented here reads as a set with the previous two images.  The radiating nexus of flower stalks presented a challenge to depict accurately
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | image 4 | expanding

title | expanding
technique | graphite pencil (HB, 2B, 6B) on 220 gsm drawing paper
process | as outlined on title page
time limit | one hour maximum - just exceeded my self imposed time limit
reflection | a pleasing result
There is greater contrast between the dark shading of the blushing flower buds & the white radiating nexus of flower stalks curled towards the heavens.  The intricacies of this network were very difficult to navigate & record.  Several attempts were taken to finally produce this image.  Visual focus is initially peripheral, on the flower buds, but the gaze is drawn centrally with the contrasting pale flower stalks.  Even though this image is aesthetically pleasing, I would like to produce a less crude & more gracile depiction using graphite pencils in the future
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | image 5 | exploding

title | exploding
technique | graphite pencil (HB, 2B, 6B) on 220 gsm drawing paper
process | as outlined on title page
time limit | one hour maximum - exceeded my self imposed time limit
reflection | bursting forth with great vigour this sketch illustrates an agapanthus in full bloom.  This image was by far & above the most difficult to capture.  My self imposed time limit of one hour maximum was well & truly dashed.  At times I wished I'd selected a less intricate subject to sketch.  The buds remain displayed with heavy chroma & the trumpeting umbels are lighter in chroma.  The flower stamens & pollen granules provide my greatest visual pleasure.  Once again the flowers & buds attract the eye initially & then visual movement becomes focussed centrally around the radiating axis of flower stalks.  With more time & further refining I would still like to create a more graceful & elegant image of poise & refinement
JUST FOR FUN.....colour renders (see below)
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | colour render | blue
an extension of the graphite pencil line work & shading has been completed in 0.1 & 0.4 pen weights on 220gsm kraft paper to create an agapanthus garden scene.  Colour rendering using faber-castell polychromos pencils: ultramarine 9201-120, sky blue 9201-146, white 9201-101 & derwent rose madder lake 21 (accent) + gold foiling (sample provided - top right)
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | colour render | yellow
an extension of the graphite pencil line work & shading has been completed in 0.1 & 0.4 pen weights on 220gsm kraft paper to create an agapanthus garden scene.  Colour rendering using faber-castell polychromos pencils: cadmium yellow 9201-107, light yellow glaze 9201-104, white 9201-101 & derwent jade green 41 (accent) + gold foiling (sample provided - top right)
week 2 | documenting time | agapanthus series | colour render | armamentarium
photograph of the pencils used to create the coloured render.  Palette kept really simple.  White was essential for highlights & to create a dynamic movement.  Faber-castell polychromos pencils are absolutely the best pencils on earth - artist quality
DOCUMENTING TIME #oneperday2020

DOCUMENTING TIME #oneperday2020
