AR Illustration with Adobe Aero

The Artwork
I wanted my illustration to be positive and float around my composition set up with characters and flourishes that I could programme for interaction and simple animations. 
The AR in Action

Here we see the AR in action being anchored to my sketchbook page and with various interactions and sounds tagged onto certain areas.

The Concepts
The initial project looked at setting up the AR around a wall area, I took a good look around for some interesting walls that might suit the vibe of the artwork I had in mind.
Early AR Set Up Concept

At first I wanted to find a suitable wall area to set up the AR experience so the artwork would pop out of the surface and allow you to walk up and interact with certain parts and characters. Here is a mock up of what that could have looked like.
The Sketch Book Approach

The idea developed into a new set up where the AR composition would be triggered by an image anchor in my sketchbook so I doodled this black and white piece in my moleskine. 
Meet The Gang

I wanted my characters floating on clouds and so I'd have more freedom with the layout and how I'd like to arrange the characters, I wanted them to all face the main image in the center.
See my sketchbook pop to life at @AdobeAero and share your own project with the tag #adobeaero #AdobePartner

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AR Illustration with Adobe Aero

AR Illustration with Adobe Aero

A fun project using augmented reality using Adobe Aero
