One day when I was so sad and distressed, I told my mom “I wish I were an old woman. If I were old, I would see the big picture of my whole life, and I would not have to worry about it anymore.”
Sometimes, I feel stuck in being an adult and being a child. I told a friend “Maybe, to our parents, we are kids, since we have not gotten married.”
When Tin- the host of the last exhibition I attended- asked me to join in his new exhibition and said that the theme relating to “sprout” and “children”, I thought about the relationship between generations. So, I make a rose bush on one silk frame and a delicate rose on another. On the first one, the rose bush is in bloom, but it can be seen that some roses are dying. Meanwhile, on the second one, there is only one small young rose, but instead lying still on the silk, the rose reaches out of the frame.
The thing helps to connect these two (the rose bush and the small young rose) is their roots.
I think many of people in my age are just like young rose trees. We are tied to our parents by culture, tradition, responsibility and love. However, we are managing to find our own paths and take control of our lives.
Sometime, it is a war.  




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