Ashleigh West's profile

Angles. Objects. Design

A university research project about 'photography & perspective' and 'individual perceptions of mass produced objects.' Based on photos of MacBooks from individuals around the globe. 

We are living in a world where design is no longer made for the individual. Identical products are mass produced, and instead of objects being made to fit people, people are made (forced) to fit the products available. What will always be unique however, is the way an individual interacts with the product, which is completely shaped by the user. It reflects their intentions, working habits and personality.

Photography is a medium of communication. The question we are asking is who shapes the photograph, is it the subject or the photographer? And is the quality of a photograph, is it due to the camera or the competency of the photographer?

Bringing these two ideas together, what happens when you ask hundreds of people, from different countries and cultures to photograph the same object? An object which is a mass produced ‘design’ object and a big part of the work of design students globally , how is this shaped by the user/viewer/photographer? Images have been collected from design students and other people from all around the world, and are asking them to take the photo with an intention in mind.

Completed at the Köln International School of Design. 
By Ashleigh West and Andreea Rusu.
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Uta Brandes and Prof Dr. Michael Erlhoff.
With thanks to Janina, Mario, Johanna, Ada, Silviu, Anna, Til, Johannes, Philip and Jan. 

Photographs of the event taken by Anna Shapiro (
Angles. Objects. Design

Angles. Objects. Design

A University project about photos of MacBooks and individual perspectives of mass produced objects. Exhibited in Cologne in July 2012


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