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infood-eco friendly app

As environmental awareness rises, people begin to pay attention to quality and care about the manufacturing process. Infood promotes local farmers commodities to users, not only to help local farmers, but also to help the environment reduce carbon emissions from transportation.
Project Concept
By scanning the barcode to get the food nutrition information in the App, it offers users an easy way to structure their diet digitally, while presenting carbon footprint information. The long term goal of the App is to reduce plastic material for making packaging, by providing producers the possibility to just put the barcode on the product, allowing them to dispense with the rest of the packaging because all information can be accessed through the App. With this app, consumers can reduce impulsive consumption by choosing the right food based on daily basic needs. On the community page is room for communicating and sharing information such as recipes, nearby activities, stores, and more with other users.
Eco Friendly Map
On the map page, nearby activities and stores will be displayed first, which helps users prioritize nearby stores and reduce transportation pollution. The map function also helps to plan routes and recommend route planning for different vehicles. 
Barcode Scanner
The key features are the barcode scanner, an eco-friendly store map, a seasonal goods overview, a shopping list, and the community. The barcode scanner is using the phone’s camera to access the product information saved in the database. With this scanner, it is possible to provide food nutrition information, eco-footprint of food, product reviews as well as fitting recipes.
The App aims to encourage the public to engage in protecting the environment with the power of a strong community while also conveying information about carbon emissions. Through this app, users can share food and reviews. Local farmers can publish their store or market promotions, to encourage people to buy local food to reduce the carbon footprint of delivery. The seasonal goods page will suggest users seasonal products while helping local farmers as well.
Shopping List & Shopping Plan
Research on impulsive consumption has inspired the shopping list function. When consumers are upset or hungry, they will be more likely to buy unexpected foods, such as alcohol products or chocolates. The shopping list can save products that were shown in the barcode scanner or on the seasonal goods page. If ingredients on the shopping list are only available in different stores, the map function can also structure a shopping plan, guiding users to an eco-friendly route on their shopping trip.
infood-eco friendly app

infood-eco friendly app
