1.Bootstrap Landing Page : Front-end bootstrap landing page. My main goal was creating a website that was appealing and I mainly focused on implementing different bootstrap functionality while learning the utilities bootstrap provided.
-Custom themes, Installing only certain elements of bootstrap... 
2. .Net Core, Angular, TypeScript - Ecommerce Bussines App: 
E commerce website that helped me learn a lot about Repositories, unit of work pattern, authentication tokens, generics and the specification pattern... Angular modular architecture , routing , lazy loading, creating reusable form components...
I need to mention that I am still new to all these concepts and still a beginner.
3.SASS Landing page : 
A project where I implemented the 7:1 pattern. 7 different folders for partial sass files.
In this project I utilized a THINK,BUILD,ARCHITECT method of thinking.
Creating cleaner, modular, reusable and code that is ready for growth.
4.Responsive/CSS/PHP Blog Website : My first full-stack project with a register/login system, a like system for users to like different blog posts. Admin theme page where the admins can view certain statistics. Dynamical displayed information from SQL database - blog posts. My first bigger project for my university.
5.DOM-Manipulation / Javascript:
HTML web page with interactive java-script code. The focus was on java script so the design is not mine. 2 player dice game in the browser, the objective is to obtain as much points as possible.
Web Dev Work

Web Dev Work


Creative Fields