Patient no. 33462
   Not much is known about her. They say she used to be an actress who after playing so many roles got a little confused about who she is.
So she decided to start to look for her true self underneath her many layers of roles she used to play.
   But it seems that the more layers she took off, the deeper she dug, the further she got from finding the answer. It seems that in the process of looking for her true self she lost herself.
   But some even say that losing herself became her goal after a time. They argue that by losing herself, by deliberately stripping herself from all of her masks she dissolved her own mind and became one with the whole universe itself, leaving behind only her mortal body.
   Did this make her finally free, free of all of her constraints, free of all her roles?
No one knows. But strangely she keeps staring at her old, broken acting masks, like some relics from a different era which will never
come back.
The Actress

The Actress
