The Blight

The Blight is a fantasy graphic novel that reflects on the issues regarding generation gap in our modern world. With generational conflict as the focus of the whole story, it tells the journey of a young witch, Liz, and her companion, Astra, who seek  help from the lost magical society to save their modern world from being consumed by the Blight. The Blight questions the attitude, priority and unwritten issues in which were formed by our behaviours in the current world. ​
The story strikes to convey a sense of respect and understanding among humans. On the other hand, it emphasises a need to appreciate and reconnect with the old good values.

Student: ​
Vien Thuy Nhu ​
Course: ​
Diploma in Illustration with Animation​
Programme: ​
Design and Media ​
Lecturer-in-charge: ​
Roi Hew​

Award: ​
Crowbar Award 2018​
Illustration & Graphic Design, Bronze

The Blight

The Blight


Creative Fields