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Polska Cała // The Whole Poland

Polska Cała

The work, title of which translates to “The Whole Poland”, was created as a reaction to slogan shouted by the nationalist crowd at the gathering during the visit of Robert Winnicki, leader of the National Movement party, in Poznań. His supporters surrounded by the police were aggressively yelling the rhyme: “Polska cała tylko biała!” meaning “The whole Poland should only be white”. 
The installation turned the studio space, located in a basement, into a laundry room - filled with heavy, moist air and harsh smell of bleach. The label on the detergent bottle was reading “Polska cała czyżby biała?” - “Is the whole Poland actually white?”.

Installing the artwork at "Korelacje" exhibition in Stara Rzeźnia Poznań, May/June 2019

Installation developed under supervision of prof. dr hab. Marcin Berdyszak and dr Tomasz Drewicz at University of the Arts Poznań, 2018

photo credits: Tomasz Drewicz, Kaja Koster, Michalina Zadykowicz
Polska Cała // The Whole Poland

Polska Cała // The Whole Poland
