Root to flower

Collaborating with IN3 Immersive and YFood for London Food Tech Week, infogr8 studio embarked on the Root to Flower project. This endeavor aimed to enhance our appreciation for food by immersing guests in a unique dining experience.

Our task was to develop an immersive dining app, partnering with food photographer Joe Sarah, to complement London Food Tech Week. This involved conceptualizing, wireframing, prototyping, and designing the app. We integrated recipe cards and infographics to visually highlight the environmental impact of food waste.

Agency: infogr8
My Contribution

I played a pivotal role in crafting this VR/AR experience, from conceptualization to final design delivery. I spearheaded the creation of wireframes and prototypes, ensuring seamless integration of AR components. During the event, guests interacted with the app, accessing relevant infographics by scanning trigger images and exploring recipes through Joe Sarah's captivating food photography.

The event received considerable praise, as guests eagerly interacted with our carefully crafted infographics. The CEO and Founder of IN3 Immersive lauded the team's outstanding efforts, underscoring the success of our collaborative endeavor.

This project exemplifies the commitment to innovative design solutions that captivate and educate audiences, leaving a lasting impression on participants.
Root to flower

Root to flower
