Architecture Contest - Marstopia
Modular Martian Shelter
In response to a utopia or dystopia on Mars, the Module's Martian Shelter aims to develop a multiplanetary society, orderly, flexible, and resistant to hostile environments like Mars or anywhere else. This is a plan for the Martian order: autonomous, with new native and intelligent materials, sustainable and resistant, creating the vernacular architecture of Mars.
Colonization is organized in phases of urban growth: 1. a modular Martian refuge; 2. a set of MMS; 3. zoning of MMS sets; and 4. delimitation of MMS sets
For the construction of the first module, technological advances in virtual reality will be essential. Thanks to orbiting satellites and interplanetary (almost immediate) telecommunications, robots controlled from Earth can be used as workers, prior to the arrival of the first settlers.
The construction is possible thanks to investigation of materials and the choice of Graphene, pure carbon, as an ideal material for space construction, since it is capable of absorbing energy and storing it for use it as electricity or heat, which is essential for success on Mars.
The atomic structure of Graphene -a hexagon- was taken as a geometric inspiration, and was scaled according to its use, always maintaining the proportion between them.
After the first MMS is completed, the necessary units will be built for future missions, being able to be re-functionalized/joined/scaled according to the needs, this model can be repeated and joined without problems as a modulation at macro scale. The first unit is intended for 10 settlers.
ts semi-buried disposition arises after the study of the conditions of Mars and the need to protect itself from a hostile environment for humans, however, "empty" and semi-superficial spaces are proposed to face the different needs of a comfortable, healthy and luminous, essential for the success of the mission: LIVING MARS.
by Camila Suarez Videla for Eleven Magazine