In this assignment, I created a photomontage with the theme of Fashion. 
First, I placed newspaper in the background and I blended it with a pink layer using the Dark Color filter which produced a contrasting tone of green and pink. Next, I wanted to implement shapes in this peace so I took a disco ball for a sphere shape and the Luis Vuitton symbol for a diamond shape. I did this to give it more of an abstract look. Then I took a cut out of the Eiffel Tower which is in Paris, known for their fashion, and this created a mandala symmetry.

After that, I wanted to create an abstract "outfit" using sections of clothing. First, I placed Emma Chamberlain, a fashion icon, above the Eiffel Tower for the top of the outfit. Then I took a outfit of a cute skirt and placed that below the Eiffel Tower. And lastly, I took a Prada fashion cover of a magazine which was a picture of shoes and I used that for the shoes of the outfit. Following this, I wanted to blend the images but in an abstract way, so I took a pair of glasses and placed it in-between the shoes and the skirt. Inside the glasses, I placed the vogue logo, and then placed pink newspapers in the lens in order to make it look like the lens of the glasses are pink tinted. 
Final, I wanted to implement more shapes in this piece, making it look more like a scrapbook. I took two blue triangles and I placed them behind the piece, and I used the liquify brush to make an interesting effect to the plain blue triangles. I also outlined the Eiffel Tower in green because I wanted to emphasis it using a close complimentary color of pink. After that, I outlined the skirt and the shoes with pink with the brush tool. And to create a more dimensional effect, I outlined the pink in white and I also outlined the drip in green (because I wanted to apply green somewhere else in the piece to create more balance). Finally, I added a purse in the bottom left corner to balance out the piece. My final piece, is as follows:
Fashion Montage

Fashion Montage
