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United Federal Credit Union Common Sense print

Creative Direction / Art Direction: Scott Lawson
Creative Direction / Copywriting: Ross Lowinske

HEADLINE: The financial crisis has many angry. Turn the newspaper over to see how a UFCU member is feeling.
BODY COPY: The reason our members are feeling cheerful and confident is because we stand behind them, we support them when they need it and we're committed to doing what's right for them. Not just us. When many banks are going belly-up and are in need of bailouts, we didn't take bailout funds. We didn't need to. Instead we grew. How simple. We stand for something - you. Learn more at
HEADLINE: You're looking at the typical brain of an employee at United Federal Credit Union.
BODY COPY: Notice it's not filled with greed or gluttony. You can tell that it's grounded. It's about being sensible. It's about doing what's right even when it's not easy. That's how we view things. Hmm, maybe that's why we didn't need bailout funds. Or maybe it's because we have your best interests in mind. Learn more about what makes us so unique and secure by visiting
HEADLINE: Yup, 65 beats a minute. Nice and calm.
BODY COPY: That's the feeling our members experience when working with us at United Federal Credit Union. They know that we don't make foolish lending decisions. They know that we stand behind them in tough times, and that in order to have a strong community, you must support and guide it. Our members know that we're all about them. After all they're what makes us, well, us. Learn more at
United Federal Credit Union Common Sense print

United Federal Credit Union Common Sense print

Regional poster and newspaper campaign for United Federal Credit Union.
