Ludovica Polo's profile

Femininty is whatever you want it to be / AR visual

Femininty is whatever you want it to be is about freedom: women’s freedom to choose what to wear without being judged. 

You can cover or uncover yourself, you can wear sexy or oversize clothes: it’s up to you and it won’t determine your femininity nor who you are.

This augmented reality poster is the result of a 5 days’ workshop in collaboration with prof. Aleksandra Kot from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
Raffaello Sanzio, Le Tre Grazie, 1503-1504, Olio su tavola, 17  x 17 cm, Chantilly, Museo Condé
Femininty is whatever you want it to be / AR visual

Femininty is whatever you want it to be / AR visual
