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Designing a book cover

As a class assignment, I was given a task to design a book cover. I picked 'the Hobbit', not only because I recently read it but also because I wanted to expand my creative horizons in terms of fiction.

I first sketched out ideas and concepts that could work in depicting the essence of the story and its elements.
To finalize a concept, I surfed the web and cancelled the ideas appeared to be overlapping with some pre-existing work. 

Following this process I decided to refine and digitize the highlighted sketch.
This cover single-handedly tells the the premise of the story.
A fictitious hobbit-hole inside which Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit, is living blissfully in his peaceful home sipping on his tea oblivious of the dangerous and fatal world he's yet to discover later in the book.

Color scheme:
It is widely known that color is one of the most powerful communicator in design, the colors used symbolize the significant features of the book cover along with the the story.

Purple - magic and mystery of the plot
Green - peace and tranquility of the Hobbit's hometown
Yellow/golden - wealth and royal dynasty which initiates the Hobbit's adventures
Designing a book cover

Designing a book cover
