This project was done as a class assignment to create an Identity Design for a Cafe named "Tea Factory", which brews and serves different types of teas to it's customers also allowing them to see the brewing process.
We first started with thinking of ideas for a logo.
While choosing a logo I had to consider certain factors given by the client as well as a logo which is simple, memorable, adaptable and timeless. A logo that can help people connect. A logo that represents the requirements of the client, that clearly shows the tea and factory element.
Design Thinking Process:
Logo for a Cafe which brews and serves different types of teas and also allows customers to see the brewing process
Make a logo for a Cafe which juxtaposes the idea of a tea and a factory and make a design system for the same
Mind mapping, Mood board and Brain Storming
Logo Exclusion zone refers to the area around the logo which acts as a boundary which should not be crossed by any other element or design. The below are the logo exclusion zones of our design.
Below are a few Mockups
It was a great opportunity to do this assignment as I was able to force myself to think in different directions, come up with various designs and learning better to keep things simple. The importance of the factors of timelessness, adaptability, simplicity and memorable while creating a logo. The types and styles of logo that should be used depending on the requirements and nature of the client's business.
Design Identity


Design Identity
