Nele E. A. Ebner's profilePer Schorn's profile


Here in the middle of imagination
Right in the middle of my head
I close my eyes and my home isn't home
And my bed isn't really my bed
I look inside and discover things
That are sometimes strange and new
And the most remarkable thoughts I think
Have a way of being true

Here in the middle of imagination
Right in the middle of my mind
I close my eyes and the night isn't dark
And the things that I lose, I find
Time stands still and the night is clear
And the wind is warm and fair
And the nicest place is the middle of imagination
When... I'm... There...

"Imagination Song"
sung by Bert & Ernie - Frank Oz & Jim Henson
written by Joseph Guilherme Raposo
Series started during Lockdown, 2020/21 in Frankfurt am Main
since then any place we love...
Idea and concept: Nele E. A. Ebner & Per Schorn
Photographer: Per Schorn
Post Artist: Nele E. A. Ebner