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Freedom of Speech

活动海报 “政治正确与身份政治 限制了辩论自由?”  
Event Poster about "Freedom of Speech, restricted by our political stand and identity ?"
----- looking at "A Letter on Justice and Open Debate - Harper's Magazine"

讨论内容包括 Discussion covers topics about : 
1. 如何看待J.K.罗琳、阿特伍德、福山等人联名签署的呼吁辩论自由的“公开信”,它反映了左翼和自由派内部怎样的分歧?
1. How do you see the act of JK Rowling, Atwood, Kukuyama, etc,jointly signed for calling for the freedom of debate, and how does it reflect on the left wings & the liberals ? 
2. “黑命攸关”运动及其引发的身份政治浪潮,突破性在哪,局限性在哪,背后的“两个美国”的冲突;
2. What will be the breakthrough and restriction for the "Black Life Matters" Campaign, it there "two Americas" behind the conflict ? 
3. 如何看待当下对“政治正确”的表述,它在中国和美国语境的不同;
3. How do you see yourself as a Chinese and the "politically correct" mind in China, while looking at the event in US. 
4. 真的存在辩论自由吗?当罗琳等人宣称要捍卫辩论自由时,他们维护的是怎样的自由?
4. Is Freedom of Debate does exist ? While JK Rowling and others claiming for the freedom, what kind of rights for freedom they are trying to protect ?
Freedom of Speech


Freedom of Speech
