Emma Spainhoward's profile

WKU Graduate Gallery

In Spring 2020, while I was the Design Editor for Cherry Creative, the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly halted our staff's plans to publish our annual Graduate Guide special section.

Our clients, fearful of the economic repercussions of the pandemic, withdrew their ads and articles from our guide, and it quickly became apparent that it was no longer viable for us to produce.

The Graduate Guide was a print publication that traditionally was distributed with the College Heights Herald (the student newspaper). It was primarily a list of graduating seniors with a couple ads and sponsored articles.

We needed a flexible, digital and quick solution to replace our print publication -- and a way to bring in revenue from a new audience.
Immediately after WKU extended spring break, our staff began brainstorming -- and we settled on a new idea to sell "recognition pages" to parents of graduates.

For this project, I designed the visual identity of the brand and website, helped select and build out our WordPress template, constructed pages for purchased content on the site, and designed the marketing materials.

Icons for the Graduate Gallery brand
Siderail website ad to promote the Graduate Gallery
WKU Graduate Gallery


WKU Graduate Gallery
