The Edison Agency's profile

Social Health Australia

Social Health Australia: Creating a human-centred brand identity

Social Health Australia (SHA) is an independent unaligned charity dedicated to making social-emotional-existential support more widely available, especially for those impacted by social isolation and loneliness. 
As a newly formed organisation, they approached The Edison Agency to support them in their endeavour of seeking DGR status and government funding. Realising the importance of a new visual identity and organisational positioning to establish a distinctive point of difference in market - they approached us for support. 
Through a human-centred approach to design, The Edison Agency created a visual language that spoke to the progressive proposition of SHA through an uplifting and inspiring visual language and tone of voice. The implementation of a contemporary colour palette solidifies SHA’s modern approach to traditional pastoral care through handcrafted Matisse inspired paper-cut symbols - a stark contrast to the forboding category norms. This design language has been crafted by people who care - for people who care, capturing the SHA’s core “human connections” messaging. 

Using design to express positivity, empathy and home to those experiencing grief, isolation or trauma.
Meaningful human connections.

Social Health Australia