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Design for mobile banking app

Financial tools aren’t the most exciting products to use—they can feel cold, boring, and corporate. As complex tools with tons of functionality and customization, most provide insufficient training and education—and don’t even get me started on documentation.

This app allows users set an investment goal—an amount they want to accrue over a selected period of time. From there, the app suggests various options (using historical data and machine learning) and users can invest towards that goal with monthly deposits.
When learning anything new, being bombarded with information can be overwhelming, which makes most users leave before they begin. Minimalism in design is not about flat color palettes and non-skeuomorphic buttons—although often that helps—it’s about how information is structured and the cognitive load required to use the given features.

By creating a palette that sported bright hues to support the light and playful concept of the application.
From the get-go, it was important to set a playful tone—colorful sign-up screens convey a distinct personality and small transition animations help increase engagement. This level of customer experience is uncommon.
Design for mobile banking app

Design for mobile banking app
