'Exile' in full - digital painting
'Exile' explores the threat of rising sea temperatures, levels and acidity caused by the impact of Global warming on the planet. The decision to paint an albino black man was due to the persecution of people with albinism in some areas of Sub-Saharan Africa which is a major human rights issue, based on ignorance and religious practices. This in part represents the self-destructive side of human society as we approach a sixth mass extinction, and also highlights that the plight of the less fortunate will only intensify as the world's climate alters. 

The visual link between the subject's skin and that of bleached coral further connects humans to their surrounding natural environment as it highlights that we are just as vulnerable as world we are destroying. The man's saddened and judging stare, against a background of barren sea floor, fish hook in ear ties the viewer into the very real future which will confront us should we not alter our impact on the planet.

Small fish often travel with larger predatory animals for protection and as a way of scavenging excess food. The mirroring of this with the shoal swimming around the man's head reminds us that we are connected to all other life on earth even if we attempt to elevate ourselves to a different level, and highlights that we can embody the role of nurturer and carer if we choose.

