Feminist art
Wine label
April 2019
University project  /  Illustration  /  Label design  /  Packaging design
Feminist art originates from and is inspired by the feminist movement in the 60s and 70s. This art direction emphasizes social and political differences that women experience in today's society, in hope of greater acceptance and understanding. There is no style that unites feminist artists, as they often combine aspects from several art directions and movements, including conceptual art, body art and video art. Feminist art often focuses on nudity and, or other provocative motives to capture attention and change stereotypes. 
Thought process
Wine can be seen as a "girls drink", however the design on winebottles is often characterized by masculine features in both typography, motive and colour choices. I wanted to create a design that was provocative and communicated feminism. 
University project  /  Illustration  /  Label design  /  Packaging design
Thank you!
-Boiana-Nikol Tchaeva-
Wine label

Wine label
