Although now perceived in a positive light in western civilizations, yellow evokes enlightenment, happiness and warmth.
Gen Z Yellow is the youth that breaks conformity, resembling powerful waves amongst the structures of society. Yellow is bold and proud for the enlightenment of the non conformed. Yellow is to be seen and heard raising the flag for a movement, for the now.
For this assignment, I had learn how to build up and resolve a concept, around identity and portraiture. Using lighting, models, staging, costume design, make up, location scouting, etc to create a visually engaging series of portraits.
‘Live fast, die young’ was once the mantra for generations of angsty teen rebellion, but as Generation Z enter the era of cautious hedonism, is it being laid to rest? Gen Z is the youth that was born between the years 1995 to 2010, growing up in a time as technology had launched and advanced at a rapid rate.
Outcome - The practical objectives
Advanced understanding of the processes involved in the production of studio and portrait images to create a portrait of contemporary youth, a single image that will be just as relevant in a decade.
Gen Z Yellow


Gen Z Yellow
