Hi there. My name is Kevin Van Hyning. I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, artist and all around Whirly Dervish of Creativity. I have over twenty years of work experience under my proverbial belt and this is my portfolio. But before we jump into it, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

After graduating from the University of South Alabama with a degree in marketing and a sizable chunk of art classes banked away, I embarked on my first job at a daily newspaper, the Montgomery Advertiser. There, I collaborated and ultimately managed a team of graphics editors who produced a vigorous daily work flow that included infographics, page layout, illustration, and design. It was probably one of the wildest jobs I’ve ever had, both fun and frenetic at the same time.

After the Montgomery Advertiser, I moved into the world of marketing and promotions, working as a team member for the Auburn University Communications division where I was exposed to the importance of branding and media strategy. No longer working in an environment where daily deadlines dictated the quality of my work, at Auburn I could focus my efforts on long range creative projects, ensuring greater control over the effectiveness of the finished product.

My longest stretch of employment brought me to the McWane Science Center, a non-profit children’s science museum in downtown Birmingham. At McWane, I was the sole graphic designer responsible for guiding the look and identity of the museum. My creative influence touched every element of McWane’s communication plan from general print ads and high-end development pieces to social media video production and web site re-branding. I’ve designed annual reports, interstate billboards, pull-up banners, t-shirts, greeting cards — you name it, I’ve done it. 

After ten years in the non-profit sector, I took a position at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, working for the Department of Strategic Communications where my job involved managing the corporate identity of one of the most well known universities in the country. Not only did I help to coordinate their national branding campaign, Where Legends Are Made, I also served as the designated designer managing the enormous work flow for the Admissions Department which includes everything from postcards and viewbooks to social media graphics and impact reports.

Currently, I’m employed by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) where I provide graphic design services for the department of University Advancement and Development. My job is to help design the materials, both print and digital, that help the university and hospital gather donations used to continue its mission.

So, now that you know my entire life story, give or take a few adventures, let’s take a look at my book. It’s better to show, not tell, right?

Oh, and I’m sorry about that “Whirling Dervish of Creativity” joke. Cheesy, I know. 

