Sandra Nagel's profile

Eizo x What Makes Us Strong

Eizo x What makes us strong

Colours make us feel emotions, they bring out the best in people and when seen with the eye, they communicate emotions, feelings and make us feel something. In this project I wanted the colours to communicate my models personalities and show their true colours by using colour. With Sita, we decided to use pink and orange. Pink is the colour of sensitivity, pink is made by combining red and white. Red is the colour of passion and white is the colour of purity, the two combined can be associated with love, tranquility and femininity. This works with the theme of What Makes us strong as these are the raw qualities of women. Pink symbolises a sense of safety and vulnerability, this matches the concept as Sita was allowed to feel safe and vulnerable at the same time in the studio. Orange is the colour of enthusiasm and emotion, this represents Sita very well with her outgoing and easy to talk to nature. The images speak for themselves and also represent many emotions, orange has been seen as uplifting and empowering and that is exactly how I wanted to represent and showcase Sita. 

Michaela and I decided to use blue and purple in our photoshoot. Blue symbolises trust and loyalty, this is what we were planning on communicating throughout our photoshoot, I wanted them to trust me with taking their photographs. Michaela is a queer person of colour, they are very confident and peaceful and blue has been known to have an extremely peaceful presence. The other colour that Michaela and I worked with is purple, purple has been seen to inspire reflection and self-awareness. Michaela and I did a lot of reflecting and were speaking about challenging topics while we were shooting, and it was so amazing to have inspiring and clear conversations with them, they have inspired me a lot and I am privileged to have met and taken their photograph. 

Kelsey and I chose to use blue and orange. We worked with some of her characteristics and blue has been known to bring creativity, confidence and peace. Kelsey is a fashion streetwear icon and I wanted to showcase this as she spends so much time on the finer details of her outfits every single day, from her nails, to her jewellery to her shoes. Every item of clothing is thought through, one of the other characteristics of blue is persistence. Kelsey inspired me so much to spend more time on clothing and the finer details as when we were shooting, she was telling me the reason behind every piece. The yellowy orange that we used in her other images symbolises optimism, this represents her extremely well as she is one of the most optimistic people I have ever met, it was her first time taking pictures with someone and she was confident and happy the entire time, she is truly a natural. 

This project allowed me to represent people for who they are on a deeper emotional and psychological way. I spent my time making sure the models were as comfortable as possible. I really learnt from all of them, as they are all so different in their own ways and I am glad that I put myself outside of my comfort zone for this project by shooting in the studio, the images show that I can shoot in the studio well and for that I am proud of myself. It has always been my goal to represent people in the right way and show the world who they are as people and not just as a model for one of my projects. I am glad that I captured their true nature on camera, and when one looks at the images they can truly get an understanding of who they are, with almost a feeling of actually wanting to meet them.

Sita's pronouns are She/her
Eizo x What Makes Us Strong

Eizo x What Makes Us Strong
