Sonic Design
We were given an image to try to compose the environment soundscape that might occur in the image. 
All sounds were found online.
Project 1
We are required to compose sounds together to form a short narrative without any visuals within the themes given to us. 
The theme that I went for was everyday home life. 
I looked for soundtracks and different sound effects online and compose them together in Adobe Audition.
audio storytelling
With the chosen story, we were to narrate our story with our own voice. I went for Cinderella's story, and did all the voice act and narration. Unfortunately I did not have the best equipment and location due to MCO, therefore all recordings are recorded in my own home, and audio is recorded via phone. 
Sound Foley
We were required to record the audio and do sound foley with the given clip. All recordings are also done at home, and is recorded through my phone. This project was a fun one, but also stressful at the same time as I had a hard time sound foley certain sounds. 
Sonic Design


Sonic Design


Creative Fields