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Branding | Hemline Pop Up Museum

Hemline is a dress pop up museum opened for the general public. This project created a brand identity for the museum. Hemline was chosen as the descriptive brand name, since that is one of the most fascinating parts of a dress.

As the tagline ‘A women’s narrative of dressing up’ says, hemline aims to give women opportunities to tell their own stories about dress, even encourages men to learn about the culture of dress. In the museum, visitors are able to learn about and try different styles of dresses, playing the role they dream of without constraint of reality.

In order to make it relevant to the brand, I combined the initial letter "H" of hemline with dress to form the logo. A description was also used to make it easier for the audience to understand exactly what the brand is.
Gift Shop Item

Considering the theme and the target audience group of the pop up museum, I chose a silk scarf as one of the gift shop item since the audiences who are interested in dress might be willing to purchase some accessories for their dress. In addition, the auxiliary graphics printed on the scarf help it be a nice souvenir.
Branding | Hemline Pop Up Museum

Branding | Hemline Pop Up Museum
