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2021 Happy Chinese New Year

以中国历法中计算 年份 和 生肖 的 方式,2021年是牛年。自古以来,牛是人们耕种田地的主要牲畜,也因为这样,人们说到牛和地就会说“牛耕田”。这个动画将牛耕田与新年结合 告诉大众 古时候要是没有牛的辛劳耕田,我们便没有团圆饭可吃。 让生肖与新年做结合,就像长辈总会提醒你今年是什么(生肖)年一样,是不可遗忘的习俗与文化 。借此也祝贺大家团团圆圆。

In Chinese culture, the 2021 years is the years of Ox. Long time ago, the ox was the tools to let the people plowing their padding, so they appreciate to the ox sacrificed themselves to giving people the food. The concept I used in this animation is using the Chinese style animation to combine the ox with Chinese New Year, because in the Chinse culture, the zodiac plays the important rules in years. They believe that the 12 zodiac represent to each of the years. Just like our parents always love to mention "What is the year (zodiac) of this year?" Lastly, wish all of us can have a awesome and happy Chinese New Year in 2021.
By YANG (Shuh Hong)
2021 Happy Chinese New Year

2021 Happy Chinese New Year
