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Book Cover Redesign

Judge a Book by It's Cover
Creative Book Cover Redesign

Every book has a unique and untold story. The only way to know it is by opening the book and diving right in. In order to want to dive in, the book needs to captivate you even before opening it. The cover is what hooks a reader's attention getting them interested in an untold story that awaits them in the pages behind it.
The purpose of this project was to take a classic novel and redesign the cover using three different styles/ methods. The book I chose was "Charlotte's Web", one of my all time favorites. The first cover was done in my own choice of style. The second cover was done only using typography. And the third cover was done using something from the physical world. This project was a great way to tell different parts of the story by designing unique and creative covers for the book.
Book Cover Redesign

Book Cover Redesign
