Nicole Landa's profile

Self portrait multiples

This is my self portrait multiples. I took inspiration from one of my favorite scenes from the TV show "Supernatural" (8x17). I want to formally apologize to my neighbors, that had to walk out their house and see me maskless in the driveway, with a knife, and covered blended cherries and chocolate milk. it couldn't have been pretty, but I'm happy with the final result so it was worth it.   I took over 170 photos but ended up only using around 8-9 of them. 
here are some photos from the process, I set up a chair in my driveway and had a friend help take the pictures. Also, if you wondered, 'blended frozen cherries on asphalt' is not a good face mask
This was my first try at the assignment. I miscalculated the place at my disposal and the final result turned out a little crammed. Also, I'm still a beginner at photoshop, I wish I knew how to make the puzzle look more realistic. Another reason I decided to redo the project was the fact that in this piece it is not clear that all of the people in the photo are the same person because of the angle, I wanted it to be more obvious. It did take a lot of time and work so I felt like I had to include it here. 
here are some photos from behind the scene of the puzzle photo. I taped the tripod to the railing of my stairs for the angle and so it doesn't move\fall. I was so scared I used a whole roll of tape. It was a nightmare to take off. I also turned my livingroom floor into a crime scene for the evening. I needed to know where the original puzzle silhouette was so I don't sit on it by accident and this was the result. luckily gouache paint comes of really easily with water.  
Self portrait multiples


Self portrait multiples
