Brand and concept design. Ariadna Puig i Espar
Mediterranean hat fashion
Two hats and a scarf for the young and the old, for female and male, for sun or rain.
Redesign the traditional hat shop Obach in Barcelona was what we where asked for.​​​ The project was based on the Mediterranean sea where we find different weather throughout the year. The product had to be suitable for sun, rain and cold.
This are two different hats that combine with a scarf. The product was based on two different layers that would be useful and practical, that would complement any individual style and also be gender neutral.

We wanted to create something wearable but daring, as hats have been historically. We chose a whitish natural material for the sun hat which was quite rigid and that would draw a nice shade on the skin because of its beautiful texture.
The rain hat was designed to be a fashionable and practical substitution for the umbrella. This hat would cover your shoulders and your chest so as to escape from getting completely soaked. It was a transparent non-folding plastic material that would allow the user see their surroundings, as well as be seen.
We introduced a scarf that gives some colour and personality to the person while protecting them from the weather. The user can wear it in many different ways and but it always looks elegant and cozy as it is made from a beautiful and soft linen.
We chose three specific colours for the scrafs that echoed those of the Mediterranean coast.
The challenge was to renovate a product that has been used throughout history. We aimed to make them attractive for their function and not just in terms of meaning or fashion. The most important factor was that it was gender neutral and for a wide audience.
Ohcap! (product- ENG)

Ohcap! (product- ENG)

Redesign of a Barcelona store and brand specializing in hats. “Obach” is an iconic downtown store that presents problems caused by the passage of Read More
