Cavalerie. 2014

Our life is a Big riddle on this planet. We don't know where we are from, how we came here, why do we leave exactly now and our future is a complete mystery. The world we live in is still unexplored and we may just guess about our origin. The lifes of past, present and future are connected one with another. A little wave of a wing of a butterfly in past can appear a massive hurricane in future, calling irreversible consequences for living being existence on this planet.
Now we leave in a quite peaceful world, but just imagine if something went wrong in past and now we had a completely different present....
War. It devours everything on its path and almost nothing is left behind. Adapting to new life conditions everything is changed: people habits, behavior and appearance. People consider safeness the most important thing. They wear armor, chainmail, respirators, camouflage to hide in the ruins. Not much is left of human casual look. People will fight for their lifes, will go forward by all means, but will they still be humans in this fight or become monsters...



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