When we fall in love we are like flowers in full bloom - our lives become enriched with beauty, we are full of life and perfect in form. However, as time passes the petals will inevitably start to fall, the colours begin to fade and the flower shrivels up until it finally dies.

We rarely choose to recall what it ever looked like in it's final stages but over time, we begin to appreciate just how much they meant at one point in our lives. Though we will find ourselves moving on, nothing can ever take away our memory of how beautiful the flowers once were in full bloom. 
'In Bloom' is a tribute to the three most significant relationships I've held in my life, which each played a pivotal role in shaping my identity. It was through these relationships that I was truly able to mature and grow to become comfortable with myself and my own idnetity.

Although all three relationships were vastly different and at times extremely turbulent, they each recall a beautiful chapter in my life that I wanted to preserve. They symbolise the beauty of everything that was and more importantly, the beauty of everything that could never be.

Each of the sculptures were created using discarded novels and magazines, sculpted to form the shape as a peony.
Exhibited as part of The Comfort Zone exhibition at Gasworks Art Park, Melbourne, Australia in January 2014.
In Bloom

In Bloom

IN BLOOM When we fall in love we are like flowers in full bloom - our lives become enriched with beauty, we are full of life and perfect in form Read More
