Elder "Pema" Lima's profile

UI Webkit - Website Mobile Version- SelfDefense School

      Project for the mobile version of the self defense school "Defesa Pessoal Maceió" website. The foccus was to create a clean but very funcional layout to display a considerable amount of informative text in a small area, choosing just a few, but representative, images and including a new restrict área, only for students, that will be added to the desktop version.
      The Color palette is based on the school logo with a few more options, important to the color balance, specialy with the red wich is a very agressive color if misused.
Since there is a good amount of text, the chosen font was one more rounded and clear to make the infomation easy to read and visualy fluid.

UI Webkit - Website Mobile Version- SelfDefense School


UI Webkit - Website Mobile Version- SelfDefense School
