Role: Character Artist & Animator, Illustrator, UI & UX Artist, Scriptwriter, Team S2DIO Logo Designer

You wake to find yourself on a hospital bed, with no clue of who you are, or how you got there. The only clue you have to go on is a voice through a walkie-talkie, giving you instructions and asking you to cooperate with them. Should you trust them, or should you strike out on your own path?

A narrative driven game where you play as Secret Agent Zachary, discovering clues about your identity as you accomplish missions assigned to you by the mysterious Operator. Are you really who you believe yourself to be? Choices you make affect the ending of the game.

A game made as a member of Team S2DIO while interning with SUTD Gamelab in 2018. Finished game was exhibited publicly at Singapore Toys, Games and Comics Convention (STGCC) 2018.


