"LOST" is one of my film projects when I was studying at Simon Fraser University in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a Chinese international student who is currently studying in Canada, I have to face everything alone in a foreign country and life is getting harder when the pandemic came. This film is a silhouette of many international student's life. Via this film, I had a chance to tell my story.



/The Idea phase
I really enjoy the process when I was creating the storyboard, because it is a great opportunity to go through the entire film in my mind. After I finish this 'virtual' go-through session of the film, I will put everything on this table-form storyboard which can help me remember my thoughts during the actual shooting.(I know... my doodle is a little bit silly)

/The shooting phase
To create a steady high-quality film, I decided to use the gimbal in order to eliminate the shaky image.


/The shooting phase
During the shooting, I carefully consider the image composition for every single shot. take this scene as an example, the phone screen is the main thing that needs to display, so I use the rule of thirds as the basic composition. The blurred background is a great way that helps the film to tell the story without any interruption. Also, the film was shot in a 16:9 aspect ratio. But to create a cinematic feeling I change it to the 2.35:1 aspect ratio in the post-production since the camera only allows me to do 16:9. As you can see the outcome is amazing.


Thanks for watching.


