"Imposter," is an exploration into the concept of Racial Imposter Syndrome or the feeling that multi-racial people feel when they can't fully identify with any side of their racial identity.  When a multi-racial person isn't completely accepted by any of their racial groups, it can cause an identity crisis of sorts, and lead to feeling like an impostor; Trying to fit in, but never really being accepted.  

I've experienced this feeling my entire life.  My mom is Black, my dad is Hispanic and while floating between these two identities is often seen as a gift, it comes at the expense of a sense of self; Like existing in a grey area. This feeling of being an "imposter" has hovered over my relationships with friends and family, and even my everyday interactions. It is multi-layered and oftentimes difficult to recount these experiences, but I believe they are important stories that should be told. 
