This oil painting was inspired by Neil Rose's "Chief Red Horse" sculpture. Below is an excerpt from the story, which was printed on the accompanying brochure, written by Helen Graham Bronson.

Chief Red Horse's Vision

"Four times the sun had risen and set since I came to the ridge to seek out a guardian spirit.

Snow's blanket had been lifted; the prairie had blossomed. Once again we escaped from winter's cocoon. Our bellies were flat; our hunters stood ready . . .

. . . I had set out for the high country to seek the guidance and power necessary for me to lead my people.

Crouching in the shelter of a hastily dug pit, my eyes were almost blinded by a broad flash of lightening that touched down and seemed to hover above the ground. There was no rain in its path. At the center was a huge scarlet horse wings wings like an eagle . . .

Then, above the clamor of the storm, a voice spoke to me. 'Follow the path of the rising sun and you will find that which you seek. I will guide and protect all who follow you.'

After prayers of thanksgiving, I waited no longer, returning to my people with a joy-filled heart."

Chief Red Horse

Chief Red Horse
