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The Picture of Dorian Gray

这次的设计是尝试设计一整本书。从纯文本一直到打印出实体物。大约花费了3周左右的时间。这个项目让我对于书,或者是承载书的媒介-纸,有了更加深刻的认识。 当今,人们越来越倾向于无纸化。有时候想想,书作为一种储存确定信息的媒介可能多有不便。它们又笨又重,它们会脏,也会随时间消逝。它们尺寸固定,而所含的信息量可以轻松存入一小片记忆卡内。可是当我真正参与整个设计过程的时候,我对于原研哉在‘设计中的设计’一书中说到的话有了更加深刻的理解。
“The Picture of Dorian Gray” was my attempt at designing a book cover. This particular design includes text and graphics for the front cover, spine and back cover. The process, from conceptualization to print, took three weeks and gave me a deeper understanding of book design. In an age where people are increasingly inclined to go paperless, I wondered if books may be an inconvenient medium for storing information. Unlike e-books, the process of printing a book is cumbersome. Physical books can get dirty, fade with time, are fixed in size, and the same amount of information can easily be stored on a memory card. However, being involved in the design of a book cover gave me a deeper understanding of what Kenya Hara said about the relationship between design and books. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
"Information is not just a large amount of storage. If we carefully observe the relationship between individuals and information, we will find that the most important thing is how deeply we can understand information. As far as books are concerned, we will have a more pleasant user experience, and we will be more interested in information presented in materials of appropriate weight and texture, rather than information that is more pure due to being compressed into a small space." 
The whole design is divided into three major steps, including article layout, cover design, and the printed result. In the layout of the article, I chose a simple black and white design. The illustrated butterfly on the cover represents the protagonist who gave me a very similar feeling. To indicate the mysterious and romantic tone of the story, I chose the gradient accents. For the printed result, I chose a pocket book size because I liked the idea of the book being easy to carry and put in a bag.
The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Book Design
