This body of work is about animals and my impression of the effect of consumerism on their wellbeing. This is not about me preaching to end eating meat, but an attempt to make people more educated on sourcing of their products and whether the sourcing is ethical, responsible and sustainable. My work portrays a more innocent view of heavy and controversial topics through the use of comical illustrations and sculpted figures. This portrayal is in part made to reach younger audiences.  Another goal is to make these controversial topics more digestible to audiences. The illustrations are meant to depict animals as sentient beings in different situations, like fearfulness on haircut day due to experiences of mishandling by farm workers. Another illustrates a cow strolling down the refrigerated food aisle in a grocery store as she stumbles upon the weirdest sight: a human boy drinking her milk.  As well, the basis for the sculptures is to create anthropomorphized animal reactions to the effects of the farming industry on their bodies. These renderings are meant to depict what looks like fun and inviting scenes, until the viewer analyzes the narrative more and comes to find out that there is a layer of controversy to these animal depictions.
Thesis 2020

Thesis 2020
