Sam Stern's profile

NY Immersion Project 2020 "Eternalizing Acceptance"

Concept Board
Customer Profile
Fabric Board
This is a project that we were assigned to do in my Fashion Immersion class. I was given the task to be the group leader of our team of 6, which honestly felt more like a team of 3. I took on many roles, but overall creative directed the entire project. I personally came up with the concept and with the help from the other two designers completed the concept board. Me and one other designer also completed the Fabric and Trim Board on our own, collecting fabric and visually designing the layout. Me and her also personally hand dyed fabric for this project, which was done naturally. For the visual merchandising, a lot of the ideas were brainstormed by myself and one other designer. Also, a couple of the advertisements and the store layouts were done by me in photoshop. I designed the layout for the line plan, but left the creation of the garments up to the designers. I creative directed this project with distributing tasks among the other members, like a lot of the research and creation of things like the customer page and logo. Also by voicing my overall goals for this project, and coming to negotiations and compromises as to how things looked and what needed to be completed. A lot of the writing was done by me including the positioning statement on the first page and the visual merchandising strategy on page 18. As the group leader, I am very happy with how this group project came out.
NY Immersion Project 2020 "Eternalizing Acceptance"

NY Immersion Project 2020 "Eternalizing Acceptance"

This is a group project that I lead in my fashion immersion course, where we were given the task to come up with a collection for the relaunch of Read More
